New Year, New Me?

Whew! Aren’t you so glad the holidays are over, and the new year is just around the corner?

We are about to embark on a whole new journey. That clock will strike midnight on December 31st and…Boom! Literally, nothing will happen except some hangovers, indigestion, and possibly a walk of shame or few. Some of you are going to indulge in junk food like never before (except when you did it last year) and swear the “New Year New Me” is under construction as of January 1st.

Sorry to call you out like that, I’m extra spicy tonight…or it’s still the buzz from Fitness Time Nutrition’s tea bomb (go see Missy!).

I have been there. I was that girl, that person who knew I was lying to myself, but it feels so good to dream, doesn’t it? New you. New body. New hair. New eating habits….yada yada yada

BUT what about a new attitude?

And I’m not talking about being too spicy, that has never been my problem,  or maybe that is the problem…hm. Anyways…

Gain a new attitude about yourself. Learn to have a healthy relationship with food and not use it to cope.

Gain a new attitude about life in general and stop letting other people have control over your emotions and/or actions.

If our mindset doesn’t change, nothing else will.

I have always been good at delivering unsolicited advice, bursting the thought bubble and just speaking the words before they disappear into thin air.

Maybe that’s why I write, you choose to read my words or not

But please keep reading them!

I’m not going to tell you anything I haven’t told myself, and put into practice.

I am 36 now and have messed up the new year goals at least 10 times.

Start small. Don’t go into the gym all gung-ho like you are a beast…you’re a lion cub and will hurt yourself.

Make the goals obtainable. Baby step into them and work up to “big lion” steps.

Don’t make this a New Year resolution, but a life resolution.

You owe it to yourself, your kids, your spouse…all the people that love you, to be your best healthiest self.

Shop local from butchers and those cute markets that are popping up all over, if you can. Take in more protein and consume satiating foods so you aren’t hungry and over-eating junk food, and for the love, drink your water!

If you think eating healthy is expensive, wait until the doctor and hospital bills come later for the unhealthy choices.

And trust me, I used to let cookies, ice cream and cinnamon rolls rule over me.

I totally get it.

The best thing I ever did for myself was to respect the only body the good Lord gave me by ensuring a healthy lifestyle.

When you consume trash, you feel like trash.

You are also not a raccoon.

Put your earbuds in, ignore the haters, and get to work!

Goals and resolutions don’t have to be stressful.

Failing, or “falling off the wagon” doesn’t mean you can’t get back up and try again.

Make this the year you change the narrative and pursue a lifestyle of transformation.

A life you’re living, not just existing in!

And have a Happy Happy New Year!

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